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Writer's pictureCamille Murphy

Wellness means wholeness.

Updated: Apr 10, 2024

Hey y’all,

Wellness is kind of a buzz word these days.  It can easily be grouped in with fitness, self-care, dieting, or just your overall state of health.  But what does wellness mean to us at 139 Wellness?  Clearly, we think it’s a big deal, I mean, it’s half of our name.  But what does it stand for?

To sum it up, the ‘Wellness’ in 139 Wellness is referring to our mental, physical, and spiritual healing that can only be found in the mighty name of Jesus.  We are asking God to redeem the broken places of our hearts and lives.  In other words, we are seeking complete healing or wholeness in Christ.  It is deeply rooted in The Shema, which can be found in Deuteronomy 6:4-5.

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.”

At 139 Wellness, we are seeking to get well in the entire sense of the word.  We know that the only way to truly experience wellness or healing whether that be mental, physical, or spiritual, is by God being the One thing that drives everything in our lives.  He must not be number one on our list but rather, He is the paper on which we write our list on.

So, how do we do this?  How do we seek wellness?  First and foremost, we try to surrender our lives and wills to God each day.  I use the word ‘try’ because we are humans, and as much as I would love to say we all seek God perfectly everyday, that would be a big, ol’ lie.  The next way we seek wellness is by abiding in the power of the Holy Spirit through prayer and the study of God’s Word.  Prayer HAS to be our lifeline in the recovery of our true identities in Christ.  139 Members share about this constantly in our Monday night group, and it couldn’t be more true in my own life.  Not only that, but having God’s Word stored up in our hearts and minds is critical in fighting this battle.  We are in a war—not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of darkness— and our strongest way to fight is by knowing the truth of the Word of God.  That way we can identify the voice of the Good Shepherd versus the voice of the enemy.  The third way we seek wellness is through Gospel-centered community.  Our Monday night recovery meeting is one way we cultivate this as a ministry.   We share about our struggles in food, body image, and exercise while also pointing one another back to Christ.  Having a brave space where we can be known and loved, while also having those who will speak truth in love to us is LIFE CHANGING.  God created us to be in relationship with one another.  We know firsthand that isolation is one of the key tools of the enemy to keep us stuck in our eating disorder practices.

For us to experience healing, it isn’t the amount of faith we bring but rather the object of our faith that matters.  Like the dad in Mark 9 who so desperately wants his son to be healed, many times we have to cry out to God, “I believe, help my unbelief.”  God can take faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains, all we have to do is trust in Him.

So that is what we plan to do.  Week after week, day after day, minute after minute.  We are praying for Jesus to heal us from our issues with food, body image, and exercise even if we only have the faith the size of a mustard seed.  He is an almighty, all-powerful, loving, caring, GOOD, good Father who wants us to chase after Him with ALL we have.  We know if we continue to seek Him, He will always give us more of Himself.  That is the ONE thing that can truly make us WELL.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made!



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